How to Discover your Superpowers in scary times.

Peter Suh
6 min readApr 3, 2020


To those I know, and to those I hope to meet, hello.

We live in scary times. Our future is on a precipice of health, economics, and livelihood. In normal circumstances, we would don our professional selves and go to work, and yet for many in self-isolation, the only person who dress for is the person in the mirror. Many have no jobs. There are not ordinary times.

What we hear today is bad news, coupled with advice on what to do, how to act, how to think. None of the news or advice calms us. No one is an expert, especially about your life.

In the past, I’ve had lived in self-isolation. Although, I am grateful for that experience, no meaningful epiphany came from that experience. I have never provided public advice, posted a how-to article, because many folks are far more skilled to provide information.

My scared witless resume:

1. Shoved off building and having local tailor stitch head together (1)

2. Plowed down by cars while riding motorcycle (13), and being sued for damaging their vehicle (2)

3. Raised by adults who lived in war, lost jobs in regression, lost all money in stock market (2)

4. Working in and through financial crashes (4)

5. Being broke, job loss due to regression / economic crisis (forgot the number)

This is not a resume I am proud of, but “work experience” has nurtured positive “life experiences”. Without living scared witless moments, I would have never discovered actual real superpowers.

The goal of this article is to provide basic framework on how to discover your own because today, and tomorrow someone you know, needs the best of you.

1. Superpowers come in groups of threes’, you may not understand it at first, but somewhere in your genetic memory, you may know.

Some examples of the trinity power.

a. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

b. Faith, love and compassion.

c. Strength, courage and wisdom.

d. Laughter, song and beauty.

e. Health, invention and longevity.

f. Generosity, kindness and calm.

g. Insight, intelligence, and wisdom.

“About ten years ago, I knew three chords on the guitar. Now, in 1982, I know three chords on the guitar.” Freddie Mercury.

Hundred thousand rock and roll, and blues songs often use 3 essential guitar chords. David when he challenged Goliath the giant, donned off the armor, shield and sword, given by King Saul. David collected 3 items: smooth rocks, a sling and staff. His own king and family predicted his slaughter. In the Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi taught sand-the-floor, paint-the-fence, wax on-wax off to his timid student. Daniel-san was afraid that he needed more, more skill, more power to fight against a more skilled and powerful opponent. The idea may run counter to conventional thinking, having less, not more is key. Trinity, 3, is number to find, to understand, and to develop your superpowers.

2. Being scared witless helps to reveal your superpowers.

When I was pushed off building at age 3, I fell head on the concrete sidewalk. I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t scream, and I couldn’t see. The blood running down my head flowed into my eyes. Pain shocked every nerve. A message came, “go home, go to those who love you, get up, don’t stop.” Without reason, I got up and ran in the middle of traffic in downtown Seoul without sight or sense of direction.” I passed out at the entrance of my grandparent’s home.

My parents were victims of the Korean war. We lost family. Bombs killed. People died. The home you thought you had today could be gone. If someone did not show up at end of the day, most likely they were dead. If you ate a meal, it could be your last. Even through world has change (or not changed) my brothers and sister were raised in that mentality. Many fights and tensions stemmed from fear of losing money or not having money. Children may not understand effects of having parents who were afraid, suffered aside the, leaving life-long emotional scars.

Years after leaving home and as an adult, I began having reoccurring dreams lasting years. A woman’s voice calling me. In the dream, I am running, “get home, find those who love you, move and don’t stop.”

At the encouragement of my then girlfriend, I eventually went on a cross country goose chase to find the woman behind that voice. The chased ended when I found a 90-year woman in Seattle Washington, who I believed was dead. She started praying after her husband passed that someone who left her know what happen to immigrant family that left for Detroit when Boeing laid off workers in the late 1960s. Her answers came during my random exercise run. Superpowers activate and I surrender rational thought to the higher thinking. Without faith in that superpower, I would have never found the woman behind the voice, or being answer to long prayer.

3. Discovering superpowers happens during paradigm shifts.

When the world of what should be normal does not reflect reality, and when traditional solutions have been exhausted out, a period of “extraordinary science” as Max Plank wrote, a new way of thinking, starts a new paradigm. One familiar paradigm is that the poor man, wants to become rich man. Rich man wants to be king. King wants to be god.

In these unusual times, does this paradigm align? Does this paradigm match reality and solve our problem?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.

Asking yourself superior questions yield superior answers. When I tell people the number of times that cars mowed me the common response was the “car must have been moving slow.” That reasoning makes sense, but the probability of not being injured multiple times, the math, doesn’t meet reality.

It forced me to think differently. Why was I not injured? Is there a purpose for what happened? Was a victim or received something of value from that experience?

4. No one knows your superpowers, because superpowers are the real reasons why you are here and your purpose.

We lived among millions who are experts, especially people claiming to be experts about you, and other experts. I don’t have a formula on how quickly you can discover your 3 superpowers. But I believe that if you have the time, especially in self-isolation, and patience, you will discover superpowers by asking superior questions. They may not seem powerful at first. You may feel ashamed by its simplicity. Never underestimate the size or simplicity. A missing screw or pin in a Lamborghini Veneno ($4.5M) is the different between high performance or a visit to mechanic. Only you will know what will make a different between overcoming or being defeated in sacred witless times. Start thinking, start writing. Start now.

5. Superpowers were not meant to serve your purpose.

Sorry folks, it’s probably not what you may want to hear. You may not become rich, famous, or powerful. Your real powers are to serve and benefit a cause far greater than you. No one can physically lift themselves up and leave the ground. That force, power, comes outside you, and hence, the reason why they are superpowers. Superpowers are gifts, unique gifts, given to each person, for specific purpose and design. Never stop to ask what the purpose of finding and using those superpowers.

Closing thought is a selfish thought. What if in the future, we have a society of superman and superwomen who show compassionate and courageous leadership to transform society that benefits all, rather than the few?

Thank you for your time. Wish all of you good health and great discovery.



Peter Suh

Expert on being hit by cars. Husband, furry pup dad, floor mopper and servant. Follower of Jesus Christ.